
Moving your domain to us

To move your domain name to our hosting platform, first, contact your current registrar.

International domains are moved using a special key. Usually, you can see such a key in your registrar’s account. If the account does not have this feature, email the domain registrar’s support from the mailbox you specified at the time of domain registration. In the request, indicate that you want to receive a migration code for your domain.

When you receive the code, contact us so that we could accept servicing of this domain. For this, open a ticket with our support specifying the domain name and migration code.

During migration, you will need to pay for domain extension for the next period. After you submit a migration request, an email with a link to confirm migration will be sent to your address specified during registration. Follow this link and confirm migration. Once done, the domain will be moved within 10 days.

To move the domain name, the domain status must be OK, and personal data hiding must be disabled for it. The email required migration can only be sent correctly If these steps are completed.

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