
How to move your website to the hosting

Website migration to the hosting is a simple process that can be done even by a beginner. All you need to do is follow the instructions. The website is moved in several stages.
1. Adding domain. To add a domain to the cPanel, go to “Additional Domains” section and enter your domain name without http:// and www. in the upper field. The remaining fields will be populated automatically. In the lowermost field, you will see the path to the website’s root file, where files are uploaded. To add a domain to the ISPmanager, go to the “Domain Names” section.

Note: if you specified your domain as the main when you ordered hosting, this stage can be skipped, as your domain is already added in the control panel.

2. Moving files (see How to download website files to the hosting).

3. Creating a database, database import (see video). To import your database, go to phpMyAdmin, select a database in the list on the left and upload a database dump (.sql file) on the “Import” tab.

4. Connecting an engine to the created database. Instructions for different engines may vary, but they all boil down to changing database connection settings in the engine’s configuration file. Enter localhost as the host, then add the name of the created database, database user’s name and password.

5. Validation. Open your website in the browser and check if it functions properly.
If the domain is not yet directed to our hosting, to check website functioning before domain redirection, enter domain name and IP in the hosts file (C:\\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts). Note that this file can only be edited in the administrator role.
Reset local DNS cache by writing the following command in the command line: ipconfig /flushdns.

Open the website in the browser and check its functioning. If everything is correct, change server name for the domain to ours. The domain will start opening from our hosting within 8 to 72 hours following server name change.

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